Use the directions below and the Corridors of Opportunity Locator Map to verify if your business is located inside a Corridor. Businesses outside the Corridors of Opportunity are not eligible to apply in Round 3.
Click the button above to be taken to the City of Charlotte’s Open Data Portal to confirm if your business is located within a Corridor of Opportunity.
Directions to confirm business location on the Corridor Locator Map.
Step 1: Begin by clicking this magnifying glass
Step 2: Enter your business address in the search bar
Step 3: If your business is located in a Corridor of Opportunity (blue area) hover over the area for the specific corridor name
Step 4: If your business is outside of a Corridor of Opportunity, you are not eligible to apply for a Beyond Open Round 2 grant
Step 5: If needed, click here to zoom in or out on the map