Application Checklist
Before you apply, make sure you are ready. As shared, Beyond Open is a competitive grant program. Early preparation will help to ensure that you fully understand the program requirements and that you have all documentation needed to apply. Use the checklist below to prepare your best application:
Confirm that you are eligible
Attend or view Beyond Open workshops
Assemble all documents and information
Save each document as a .pdf file
Ensure ALL information is accurate (business address, business name, cost of assets, etc.)
Review Process
The Beyond Open review process provides thorough consideration of every application received and supports objective grant award decisions. Beyond Open is unable to provide 1:1 feedback on individual applications due to the high number of applications received.
• A minimum of two independent reviewers are assigned to each application.
• Applications are reviewed to confirm eligibility requirements have been met, all documentation required has been provided, and that the information provided is accurate. Applications that do not meet these review standards do not move forward in the review process.
• Each application is evaluated and scored according to the review criteria below.
• All eligibility requirements are met.
• All required documentation provided, complete and accurate. Required documentation and accurate information required according to the grant amount requested (see Eligibility and Required Documentation.)
• A clear focus and connection between asset and business impacts. Clear, strong, and direct connections within the application and information provided between the asset(s) the applicant wishes to acquire, business vitality, and business goals, especially as measured by revenue and number of employees.
General Questions
For general questions about Beyond Open, see Resources and About pages on this website. You may also email us at info@beyondopenclt.com