Round 3 Timeline
Beyond Open is a competitive small business grant program centered on building economic mobility in the Charlotte community including diverse-owned (minority, woman, veteran, LGBTQ, persons with disabilities) small businesses located within the Corridors of Opportunity as identified by the City of Charlotte. All applicants are strongly encouraged to read and thoroughly review the program guidelines below and to attend or view an Application Information Session.
Beyond Open Round 3 Overview
Beyond Open is a competitive grant program that can help small business owners to acquire capital assets.
Beyond Open grants do not need to be repaid.
Beyond Open grants may be taxable events according to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Business Owners should consult their tax expert for guidance on the possible impacts of receiving a Beyond Open grant.
Beyond Open grants CAN be used to acquire equipment, technology, real estate or inventory (see examples below.)
Beyond Open grants CANNOT be used for operating expenses including payroll, advertising/marketing, legal, accounting or other professional services, maintenance costs, insurance, utilities, debt repayment, investment properties or expenses related to investment properties.
Being eligible and applying for a Beyond Open grant does not guarantee a grant award.
Eligibility Requirements and Documentation
Before you begin an application for Round 3, make sure that your business meets ALL of the Round 3 eligibility requirements below. Applications that do not meet ALL of the eligibility requirements below will not be considered.
Requirement 1
Physically located within one of the six Corridors of Opportunity as identified by the City of Charlotte.
Click the button below for directions on how to verify if your business is located inside a Corridor of Opportunity. Businesses outside the Corridors of Opportunity are not eligible to apply in Round 3.
You will be asked to provide proof of physical business address showing both the business name and the address in a Corridor of Opportunity within one of the six Corridors of Opportunity by uploading TWO documents from the list below:
a) North Carolina Secretary of State registration with matching address
b) Fully signed copy of current lease agreement / mortgage statement
c) Utility bill under business name
d) Recorded deed from Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds
e) NC Sales & Use tax registration or exemption certificate
f) Business zoning receipt
g) Bank Statement
h) 2023 Tax Return
(Note: A P.O. Box or virtual address cannot be used as proof of eligibility or for business location confirmation.)
Requirement 2
At least one full year of operation beginning on or before August 5, 2023. You will be asked to provide one of the following documents showing both the business name and a date on or before August 5, 2023:
a) North Carolina Secretary of State registration
b) Fully signed copy of current lease agreement / mortgage statement
c) Utility bill under business name
d) Recorded deed from Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds
e) NC Sales & Use tax registration or exemption certificate
f) Business zoning receipt
g) Bank statement
h) 2023 Tax Return
Requirement 3
For-profit organization. Nonprofit 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) organizations are not eligible to apply.
Requirement 4
Minimum annual revenue of $30k and a maximum annual revenue of $5M. (Note: revenue to be verified by tax return information.)
Requirement 5
Fewer than 200 full and/or part-time employees. (Note: owners should count themselves as an employee for this grant program).
Requirement 6
If a franchise, must be locally owned and independent.
Requirement 7
The information and documents below will be required based on the amount you are requesting.
Grants CAN be used for:
Below are select examples of small business capital assets - equipment, technology, inventory and real estate - that may be purchased with a Beyond Open grant. This list does not include ALL small business capital assets that may be purchased with a Beyond Open grant within the categories of equipment, technology, real estate and inventory.
• Computers, printers and other small office equipment
• Cell phones and other communications equipment
• Software licenses (up to one year)
• Build-out of a company website, an e-commerce website, sales system or digital commerce platform
• Hand tools or small appliances
• Minor store or space renovations or improvements
• Small office furnishings, display or showroom equipment
• Storefront beautification or new signage
• Store fixtures (display racks, built-in seating and counters, lighting)
• Business site improvements, HVAC equipment, windows, roofing replacement
• Safety, security and surveillance equipment
• Parking lot resurfacing
• Leading-edge technology
• Purchase of a warehouse or other commercial property (up to 20% of purchase price) Lease commercial property (up to one year) new to the business
• Large inventory purchases
• Major equipment
• New vehicles (car, truck, van, food service, delivery) or vehicle upfits
• Specialty or industrial equipment
• Renewable energy equipment or technology
• Other significant capital investments
Grants CANNOT be used for:
Applications for grant uses outside of equipment, technology, real estate or inventory will not be considered.
• Operating expenses
• Payroll
• Utilities
• Advertising/marketing
• Consulting
• Debt repayment
• Investment properties and investment property expenses
• Training, classes, certifications
• Insurance
• Consulting and professional services (legal, accounting, medical, marketing/advertising)
• Existing leases